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Founded in 1990

Your Personal Estate Plan

When you create a Living Trust, you transfer ownership of all your assets to the trust. It is a written document that allows you, as the trustee(s), unlimited access to and full control of your assets during your lifetime. It also enables you to pass property after your death to family, friends and others. It allows you to appoint someone to make certain your property goes to the loved ones you choose. The living trust that you create is actually a set of documents that includes: Revocable Living Trust (Single A, Married A-B, or A-B-C, whichever is appropriate)

  • Assignment of Personal Property
  • Community Property Agreement
  • Last Will and Testament
  • Durable Power of Attorney*
  • Health Care
  • Asset Management
  • Directives to Physicians*
  • Certification of Revocable Living Trust
  • Proper forms to transfer property title into trust.
  • Information for Survivors (Final instructions)

Most people do not execute their trust one day and die the next. It is usually many years in the future when the documents are actually used to carry out your wishes and/or distribute your property. From the day your documents are executed to the day you die, you will probably need to amend your estate planning documents several times — adding new beneficiaries, removing beneficiaries, changing the distribution of your assets, changing trustees…etc. As these changes occur, they must be reflected in your documents. We include two amendment forms for you to make these changes yourself, and then to have them notarized. If you make over three amendments, we recommend calling us to have the forms reprinted.

Estate planning is a process, not an event. The most important part of your planning is keeping your documents current so they will indeed do what you intend them to do at the appropriate time. We allow you to keep your document current and up-to-date by continuing contact over the years and having successor advisors available to counsel and guide you through the changes as they occur in our evolving legal system.

By creating your estate planning documents with our assistance, you can: Eliminate probate and the emotional trauma that accompanies this costly, time consuming and unnecessary procedure.

  • Minimize estate taxes to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • Identify guardians for your minor children.
  • Establish a trust for the benefit of your family or others.
  • Reduce family conflicts and assure proper distribution of your assets according to your wishes.
  • Maintain your privacy.
  • Eliminate the need for family members to make difficult decisions relative to your health care in the event you are incapacitated.
  • Discourage legal challenges.

Financial SafeGuards Group documents are comprehensive and complete legal documents. Our professional legal advisors constantly monitor the marketplace and legal arena to ensure your documents include every advantage for you and your family.

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